Vodafone Foundation India Apps

LWV- Learning with Vodafone 1.1.8
‘Learning with Vodafone’ (LWV) is a mobile learning applicationwith state-level aligned curriculum aligned learning content. Thisincludes Concept Videos, In-Class Activities, Projects, GroupDiscussions, Games, Practice Questions, and Quizzes for assessmentthat the can be accessed through the tablet app and can be used bythe teacher both in the classroom and during lesson planning. TheContent can be authored through a robust learning management (LCMS)platform integrated to the mobile app, exported and made availablefor teachers to access even when they don't have any internetconnection. The application has a capability to sync and fetchusage report whenever there is available internet connectivity. Thetablet can also be connected to the television through a wi-fidongle or display cables which shall enable its operationwirelessly and allow the teacher to operate it from any corner ofthe class, thus allowing mobility. “Learning with Vodafone” (LWV)is initiative of Vodafone Foundation, India and Indus Towers inpartnership with Pratham Foundation to enhance teaching andlearning in low-income schools using technology as the primeteaching tool. The LWV program aims to positively impact thelearning levels of the students in low income schools throughintroduction of technology in classrooms. The programme adopts ateacher-centric approach wherein the teacher is being empoweredthrough access to technology and methodologies for ensuring moreparticipative and productive classroom sessions. Together withPratham Education Foundation, we provide all the necessaryequipment and learning materials and train teachers to use theservice, coupled with innovative methods of teaching. The solutionenriches the lesson planning and in-class experiences of teachersand engage students by making learning fun.
Vodafone Foundation Girl Risin
Play fun-packed Match-3 game to unlock real stories of remarkablegirls
V-Change 1.0
The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme contributes topeaceand development through volunteerism worldwide. UNV workswithpartners to integrate qualified, highly motivated andwellsupported UN Volunteers into development programming andpromotethe value and global recognition of volunteerism. UNV isinspiredby the conviction that volunteerism is a powerful means ofengagingpeople in tackling development challenges worldwide.Everyone cancontribute their time, skills and knowledge throughvolunteeraction. V-Change app is a unique platform to mobilize,engage andmanage volunteers. The Mobile App helps Volunteers tocreate theiraccount and interact with other volunteers with sharedinterestsand passion. It also enables the volunteers to keep atrack oftheir volunteering hours and rewards them fortheiraccomplishments. The Mobile App is backed by a strongwebmanagement system that records and handles thevolunteeringprogrammes in an automated and secured format, whichreduces thepossibility of human errors.
VSO APP (Volunteer Inspire B 23.0
VSO APP is a one stop shop for volunteer mobilisation, engagement& management.
MyAmbar 1.3.0
An one-stop app to help survivors & their allies navigate theirway to recovery
Social App Hub 2.1.5
Discover mobile innovations and best practices of the socialdevelopment
SamVaad 20
Educational app designed by Hand in Hand India for basic mobileinternet skills.
Rudi 11.0
Modern technology has vastly speeded up communication andthetransmission of information, helping businesses to becomemoreefficient and productive. Making sure that everyone has accesstomobile technology is vitally important in tackling globalpovertyand spreading prosperity. Keeping this in view, and as apart ofits Mobile for Good initiative, Vodafone Foundation in Indiaincollaboration with the Self Employed Women's Association(SEWA),has developed RUDI Sandesha Vyavhar (RSV) - a mobileapplicationfor rural women entrepreneurs for the Rural DistributionNetwork ofSEWA in Gujarat.. The mobile app automates the supplychainprocess, bringing in efficiencies for RUDI women to sellfarmproduce within their local communities, reduce travel timeforthese women and generate more business opportunities. ThroughthisApp RUDI women can now place orders real time, recordsales,receive messages from the RUDI team, maintain daily salesreports,customer ledgers and financial updates. RUDI is shopkeeping,cashier and point of sale (POS) app for managing yourownindividual business. RUDI mobile also allows the operation ofyoursupply chain network even when the network is down. All theRUDI"Point of Sale" data is stored within the Android tablet’slocaldatabase. The purchase orders are sent through pre-programedSMSgenerated through the application. SMS gateway is integratedwithERP to process the requests when user is offline.
Gurushala 1.0.37
Gurushala is a free education and learning App for teachers andstudents.
DigiSakshar 2.0.10
DigiSakshar - Let's Learn Digitally
It is an e-commerce application
Vodafone Idea - Smart Agri
Visualize climate sensors, forecast and agronomic services
TheManagr 1.0.9
Managing all aspects of project from fund utilization toprojectmanagement.